Have you noticed that your concrete driveway is sinking? If so, you are likely dealing with voids in the soil beneath the slabs. There are several potential causes for this type of damage, including water infiltration, soil movement and soil erosion. Whatever the case, a sinking concrete driveway is unsightly and may result in injuries. … Read more
Cold weather and increasing moisture are coming on fast, and most homeowners are well into the process of winterizing their homes. It’s also a good time to make sure your concrete surfaces are protected for seasonal weather. Concrete sidewalks, driveways and lawn décor can remain sturdy and attractive with a bit of pre-season maintenance. Repair … Read more
Spending time in the pool is one of the best ways for families and friends to create lasting memories. However, there are also potential hazards that can lead to serious injuries or fatalities. Your pool deck should provide a safe area for both children and adults to access the pool. If the pool deck is … Read more
How do you treat cracks in concrete? There are two basic methods: prevent cracks at the time of pouring the concrete and patch them up after they happen. Clearly, prevention is key. Your concrete installation company plays an important role in reinforcing the cement so that it’s resistant to cracking. But there are a few … Read more
Is it time to repair your business walkway with slab jacking? Here are three good reasons to consider the possibility. Slab jacking Improves Drainage Poor drainage and standing water on your walkway can be inconvenient, dangerous, and even damaging to your property. Puddles of water that don’t drain off properly can oversaturate your lawn or … Read more
Concrete is a durable and smooth finish for any private or commercial parking lot. You put a lot of time and expense into your concrete driveway and now you’re disappointed to see some large cracks in it. You’re confident that the concrete was properly mixed and dried right from the moment it was placed. So … Read more
Slab jacking is a concrete repair technique in which grout is pumped underneath sunken concrete to raise it up. Is this method actually effective? Slab jacking Works! Sunken and unlevel concrete surfaces become trip hazards and traps for water accumulation. A sinking concrete surface can even cause structural damage to a building. Slab jacking brings … Read more
Your backyard in-ground pool is the place where everyone comes together to relax and cool down. The last thing you need is for a few cracks in the cement to pose a trip hazard that spoils everyone’s fun. Slabjacking services in Alpharetta are the solution to cracked concrete pool decks. Why Concrete Pool Decks Fall … Read more
You love your patio! It’s an integral part of your home’s value. Your patio is also the site of some wonderful occasions: entertaining neighbors with a barbeque, hosting family parties, and serving as your kids’ basketball court or rollerblading zone. This multipurpose and level surface is perfect for games and activities and arranging outdoor furniture. … Read more
Are you looking for information about slab jacking for your home, rental property, or business? Here are four of the most common questions about slab jacking services in Alpharetta. What Is Slab Jacking? Slab jacking is the process of pumping a material such as concrete or polyurethane foam underneath a cement slab through small … Read more