Backyard BBQ Update
Another summer has come and gone, but the promise you made to yourself to upgrade that concrete pad that serves as your BBQ area still hasn’t happened.
Concrete Slab or Pavers
You want to upgrade that concrete pad by tearing it out and adding pavers. You got three local construction companies to come, measure and give you an estimate.
For two of those, you would need a second mortgage to pay what they want. You understand it costs a lot to jackhammer the slab, move it to a dumpster and haul it away. Plus, the landfill payment to accept the old concrete and residue was more than you expected.
The third estimate from Advance Concrete Lifting & Leveling took a different approach you hadn’t considered. Instead of tearing up the concrete, they suggest repairing it and adding the paver design you covet.
They say they can lift the spots where the concrete is caving in by using an environmentally-friendly polymer injection that lifts the concrete. Now that you know this is possible, why spend big money to tear it out and start over?
Plus, using this inexpensive technique will allow you to do the driveway and walkways as well.
Advance Concrete Lifting & Leveling
Typically, regardless of how well your construction company builds the base or how many supports, such as rebar, they use, some sinking and cracking will occur over time. Time is the enemy of all construction jobs.
Plus, it gets even worse after it cracks, because the cracks let in rainwater that freezes in the winter and thaws in the spring. This freezing and thawing can cause your concrete surface to chip. Therefore, rather than going through the expense of ripping all that concrete out, you can spend much less to repair it and then create the concrete paver design you yearn for on that patio.
Get the backyard barbecue you have always wanted by letting the Advance Concrete Lifting & Leveling professionals to give you an affordable upgrade to that concrete slab. With the money you have left over, you might decide to build a pergola over it.
Contact Advance Concrete Lifting & Leveling for a free, no-obligation estimate.
Posted on Behalf of Advance Concrete Lifting and Leveling